Gemar® fabbrica i “palloncini italiani” famosi in tutto il mondo, in oltre 100 tra forme, misure e colorazioni brillanti.
Oggi Gemar® è uno dei maggiori fabbricanti di palloncini in lattice naturale del mondo e leader indiscusso in Europa.
About Gemar® Balloons
Gemar Balloons is the largest manufacturer of natural rubber latex balloons in Europe. Located in Casalvieri, a small town in the heart of Italy, we continued to lead the way in balloon development, inspiring the people who buy our products with new ways to add a touch of magic to every occasion.
We’re dedicated to tradition, innovation and creativity and we are committed to making sure that our products are as sustainable as possible throughout their lifecycle.
Today, we produce millions of balloons every day in more than 100 different shapes, sizes and colours…all made in Italy with passion and pride.

Gemar Srl
Via Colle Marracone snc
03034 Casalvieri (Fr)
tel. +39 07.76639700